Sunday, July 12, 2009


What a lovely day, even though I worked. It was busy, but not too stressful. I preached a sermon that is reminiscent of one I heard in seminary on the story of David dancing in the streets and making a fool out of himself, but all for the Glory of God. So the question became – how can anything done for the glory of God be wrong? (Well, I'm sure that there are some who will think of something) The point was that we should worship God in the form and fashion that makes us comfortable, not the form and fashion that is dictated to us. Is it any wonder why so many people are "spiritual" but not "religious" when mainstream religion tells them how they have to feel and act? A personal relationship with God is just that: Personal. It is my contention that if you need the beat of drums and to wave your hands in the air to feel the presence of God, so be it. If you need a quiet place with candles and a cross, so be it. I can worship in either, depending on my frame of mind at the moment. All that matters in worship is that we connect with God.

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