Friday, July 10, 2009

Joys and laments

I have some good news. I have two interviews set up. One is for a homeless shelter in Wilmington and the other is with a Hospice that serves Kent County. Although the Kent County job would not be "local," it is close enough for me to commute without having to move (and that is a BIG plus. I am tired of moving!!)

On Wednesday, we were doing "creative" laments, based upon a Psalm. I drew a picture of a gate with a bright light behind it, symbolizing how I have been escorting people to the "pearly gates," but have to leave them there. It also symbolizes my job search and the end of my residency, knowing that God has opened up a door but I can't quite see past it yet. We had to write a poem, and I'll share that poem with you here:

O Holy God, How long must I wait?
My anxious soul needs comforting.
Comfort my soul, Oh God.
This consuming anxiety envelops me
with debilitating anger.
Release my anger, oh God.
For I know that you are powerful
beyond comprehension.
Bring me to a peaceful place
where I can hear the songbirds singing again.

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