Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just another day

Oh my, what a day. This morning I presented my final evaluation. It's hard, but the last of the seminars in this unit is Thursday. We have nothing but clinical time after that. Then we did all the schedules for August and the first part of September.

I'm just so tired. There was another death today - a withdrawal of life support. I was there as her granddaughter was holding her hand and crying as she drew her last breath. It was a tender moment. She was a faithful Christian, so the hope for eternal life was there. The nurse was incredible. In all, I was blessed and honored to share in her journey.

One "bite" during my job search, but unless they can make it full time, I might have to pass. I just can't afford to only work part time. It's starting to get a little scary, so prayers are welcome.

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