Saturday, July 4, 2009

God helps those....

As I ponder where I am to serve in ministry, I am once again facing an end to what I am doing now and wondering where God will lead me next. At times like these, I try to "help myself," by listening to God and searching for the open door. There are times when I just wish that God would lay things out for me so that it would reduce my anxiety, but God just does not seem to want to work that way. It is my lesson in patience, and I trust that God will not let me down, just like I have not been let down by God in the past.

My options are searching for jobs with hospice in this area or taking a church as an intirim minister while they complete their search and call process. The latter is in the hands of the Church and Ministry Committee, so it might not be a viable option.

I just pray every day for God to give me the strength to carry on.

To God be the glory, great things God has done!!!

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