Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Working it out

After two months of basically sitting on the couch waiting for the phone to ring, I have noticed that suddenly my pants have shrunk - or my rear has spread, whichever you want to believe. Anyway, there is a gym close to where I live, and I joined it and took on a trainer to get myself back into shape. My goal is to strengthen my core for balance and to improve my stamina. A little strength training coupled with some cardio work should help both my shape and my outlook on life. I worked out yesterday. The trainer suggested that the muscles have memory, so I should see results quicker than I suspect, but the results of trying to get out of bed this morning prove that my own memory of certain muscles is missing.

I was doing squats against a wall with a big ball and standing on a rubber half-ball, and the muscles just above my knee-caps are muscles I forgot I had. I was doing a lunge and lift with a medicine ball, and those obliques are also muscles I forgot about. Somehow I remembered my glutes and stomach muscles, but that doesn't make them hurt any less.

I will be going back in today, and I know that hitting the gym again will work some of this soreness out. I just need to be able to stick with it. The trainers at this gym are awesome.

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