Saturday, November 7, 2009

I Love Fall

I have just discovered how much I love the fall. This picture is a little shaky because it was taken during the dark, but it is a beautiful reminder of God's renewal each morning, even in the face of transition. There is a thicket of trees behind my apartment which gives me a beautiful sunrise each morning, so I decided that I needed to share.

When I lived in Wyoming, a tree was pretty much a big sagebrush, so we didn't get to see the transition of color like happens here in Delaware and all up and down the Atlantic coast. Texas had mostly evergreen trees and what trees that lost their leaves, well the fall happened so fast that if you blinked your eyes you missed it. Kansas was somewhat better, but there was still the long spaces of farmland void of trees.

The following pictures were taken in Maryland where our church had its retreat a couple of weeks ago. The colors there were just spectacular, as you can see from these pictures. I drove to Havre de Grace, Maryland yesterday and about half way there kicked myself for not bringing my camera. God's has a beautiful color scheme for the transition from summer to winter.

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