Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Working it out

After two months of basically sitting on the couch waiting for the phone to ring, I have noticed that suddenly my pants have shrunk - or my rear has spread, whichever you want to believe. Anyway, there is a gym close to where I live, and I joined it and took on a trainer to get myself back into shape. My goal is to strengthen my core for balance and to improve my stamina. A little strength training coupled with some cardio work should help both my shape and my outlook on life. I worked out yesterday. The trainer suggested that the muscles have memory, so I should see results quicker than I suspect, but the results of trying to get out of bed this morning prove that my own memory of certain muscles is missing.

I was doing squats against a wall with a big ball and standing on a rubber half-ball, and the muscles just above my knee-caps are muscles I forgot I had. I was doing a lunge and lift with a medicine ball, and those obliques are also muscles I forgot about. Somehow I remembered my glutes and stomach muscles, but that doesn't make them hurt any less.

I will be going back in today, and I know that hitting the gym again will work some of this soreness out. I just need to be able to stick with it. The trainers at this gym are awesome.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Good news - FINALLY!!!!

I just returned from Dover. CompUSA is opening a new store there on the Friday after Thanksgiving and I will be one of their Sales Associates. It's not ministry, but it is a job and will help tide me over. I am due to be ordained next fall, and after that I will have a better shot at the ministry positions I have been looking at.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

On the job front

I am still looking for a job, but some things have looked up. One thing is that the holiday seasonal shopping is about to kick in, so stores are hiring seasonal help. That can get me through the first of the year. A computer store in Dover is opening on the day after Thanksgiving, and my first interview with them went well. I will probably have a second interview early next week. It is a permanent position (not seasonal) and I look at it this way - I can utilize my existing computer skills and have a job to take me through ordination. Once I am ordained, many more doors will open, so we'll just have to see how much patience God is asking me to have.

I Love Fall

I have just discovered how much I love the fall. This picture is a little shaky because it was taken during the dark, but it is a beautiful reminder of God's renewal each morning, even in the face of transition. There is a thicket of trees behind my apartment which gives me a beautiful sunrise each morning, so I decided that I needed to share.

When I lived in Wyoming, a tree was pretty much a big sagebrush, so we didn't get to see the transition of color like happens here in Delaware and all up and down the Atlantic coast. Texas had mostly evergreen trees and what trees that lost their leaves, well the fall happened so fast that if you blinked your eyes you missed it. Kansas was somewhat better, but there was still the long spaces of farmland void of trees.

The following pictures were taken in Maryland where our church had its retreat a couple of weeks ago. The colors there were just spectacular, as you can see from these pictures. I drove to Havre de Grace, Maryland yesterday and about half way there kicked myself for not bringing my camera. God's has a beautiful color scheme for the transition from summer to winter.