Sunday, August 30, 2009

What a day

I had a chance to do pulpit supply today in Baltimore. It was a small church right next to Camden Yards. Too bad I didn't really get to see the stadium, but I had a great time. It was a small church and the message seemed connect with the congregation. Then there were some ladies that took me out to lunch and fed me way too much, but it was a great time. I got back home about 3:00 and spent the afternoon napping on and off. Lots to do tomorrow - last day of my 4-day weekend.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Another Interview

I had another interview today, and it was very promising. Keep praying folks. I will hopefully know something in a week or two.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A wonderful day

Today I spent the day with Lonna in Havre de Grace, Md. It is always an uplifting experience when I see her, but today was pretty special. She fed me fresh peaches, and then when a pastor called for pulpit supply, she passed it over to me. I will be preaching in Baltimore on the 30th. We talked about job opportunities and we got in touch with some of the powers to be at the association. Things are really looking up. I am getting excited. I got home and got another interview that is set up for the 28th. God is working. I know it. When that right thing happens, I will know it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Thank you Lonna

Yesterday I was really bummed out. I was on call to the ER for the first part of the day, and that was very busy so it kept me occupied. I put a call out to Lonna, and late in the afternoon she got back to me. I suggested to her that my failure to really land that "right" interview could be that I am looking in all the wrong places. She is working with the church boards that might be able to find me something back in a church. It is an opportunity that I originally shied away from because I was sure that going back into a church was not in my "genes," but it was also something that her and I came up with together about a month ago. Many things have happened, and I think that this may be what will come together.

Dear God, give me the wisdom to know what it is that you have planned for me. Amen.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Roller Coaster Sunday

I've had a bit of a roller coaster couple of days. I stopped at the store to get a sandwich for supper the other night and a guy whistled at me. That hasn't happened in a LOOOOOONG time, so that brought my spirits up.

I preached at my church this morning and my sermon on the various prayers in The Bible and how we might use them as models for our own prayer life and got an amazing response to it. Another thing that brought my spirits up.

My friend got called away just after church so we had to postpone our outing to a local farm to pick blackberries, raspberries and grapes. That was a bit of a bummer. So I came home and took a nap with my Angel who was also feeling somewhat exhausted. I Needed That.

Then I checked email a few minutes ago and the final interview I have out had sent me an email rejection letter. Now I am really bummed out. Things are spinning right now and I am nt sure what is going to happen next. God WILL provide. I am sure of that.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just another day

Again, it's just another day without much to report. Had a couple of very tough days at the hospital, but other than that, no calls, no interviews no news. I am putting together a sermon for Sunday based on a prayer that Solomon prayed, and I am trying really hard to model my prayer the same way. I only want what God wants for me.

Forgive me this week if I don't post much. I promise to post if I get an offer I can't refuse, but I DO need to get ready for Sunday.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Angel

A Beautiful Thing

I have been reading the beautiful stories in the book my wonderful mentor Lonna gave to me, and lo and behold last night the story was about the loyalty of friends with more than two feet. I have to say that the one friend that I always can count on is my marvelous roommate Angel. It doesn't make any difference how good or bad my day has been, when she emerges from her crate when I get home she absolutely knows how I feel and she adapts her "welcome" to that. If I'm down and feeling a bit blue, she is the happiest dog you ever saw and lifts my spirits by showing me how happy she is to see me. If I am tired or have had a really tough situation to deal with, she is content to cuddle and lets me know that I can talk to her if I need someone to listen. If I come home in a great and glorious mood, we will play for a time before I need to settle in.

Angel is a huge 3½ pound poodle. She is fully classified as a "tiny toy" or "teacup" because she weighs in at less than 4 pounds. It is quite a site to see her at the vet's office getting on a scale that is big enough to weigh a St. Bernard. For you chefs out there, it is like measuring a ¼ cup of liquid in an 8 cup measuring cup. There have been times when she weighs different based on where she stands on the scale and whether or not I have her collar on. Add a leash and she jumps up past the 4 pound mark, so at her size every ounce makes a big difference.

I got Angel from a breeder just as I got to Kansas 3 years ago. She was 3 months old and just under 2 pounds. As I picked her up and held her up close to my shoulder, she just cuddled into my neck like she was supposed to be and stay there. We still quite often will lay in my easy chair with her cuddling me the same way. She has been a good dog for me and a great friend. She was crate trained at 7 months when she got stepped on by a mailman and broke her leg. The vet couldn't pin her leg because he didn't have a pin small enough and he couldn't cast it because it was above the hock (the"knee" on the hind leg). He told me I had to restrict her movement for 3 weeks, so one of my church friends supplied me with the perfect sized crate for her, and for the next 3 weeks it was either me holding her or she was in her crate.

Her size has also allowed me to "paper train" her, which makes it nice for those times when I have a 24 hour shift. I leave her crate door open in the bathroom with a doggie "training pad" down and close the door to the bathroom. When I get home, she will emerge from her crate and the results of the times she has had to "do her business" is there on the training pad. It is nice not to have to have someone come and walk her so that she can "do her business."

Here are some of her pictures:

Standing on the dash of my car next to a commuter mug.

A close-up of her beautiful face.

Her mommy playing around with some graphics software putting Angel in the middle of a stained glass window.

Angel sitting in my lap. I have a pen hanging from an eyeglass necklace that gives you a good idea of how big she really is.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Update and new stuff

I had an interview in Philly that went well. I was one of three that they called back for a second interview. The down side is that it is only part time (24 hours a week). It would be much better for me to find a single full time job rather than try to piece two part time jobs together, but I must wait and figure out what door God opens for me.

Yesterday was the CPE celebration at the hospital. It was a "graduation" of sorts. My clergy mentor Lonna and my pastor were able to come and celebrate with me, which made for a wonderful day. Lonna gave me a book of daily "devotions" that I started last night. The stories are wonderful and uplifting and so far are a nice end to the day. Thanks Lonna!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

High Anxiety

Well, it's just hard waiting for those to call. Found a guardian angel today and some interim help, but I still need a job. The interview in Philly is Wednesday.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Devotion

Many are called

Read Matthew 22:1-14 and Isaiah 6:1-8

What does it mean to be called? What does it mean to be sent? These are two beautiful, poetic, cryptic and even scary stories told by Jesus and by Old Testament prophecy.

Jesus is telling us that God's invitation goes out to many. Most of us are just too busy with our everyday lives and all the "important stuff" that we have to do to pay attention. Even for those who DO listen and come, some will come with less than righteous intentions or ill prepared for the task set before us, and then be unwilling to go "properly attired."

I love the story of how Isaiah was called - so full of imagery and so poetic. God is sending out an open invitation, asking who will go. Isaiah's response is humble and simple, "Here I am, Lord, send me."

I have often looked at the parable of the wedding banquet as one of social justice. It is a story about how when the powerful and busy get so wrapped up in themselves that they can't respond to even a "higher" authority, that the "higher authority" says fine, I'll just pass my invitation on to someone who will appreciate it. It is a story that I have based a play script on for a youth group and a story that I tell in circles of people who are hurting.

The punch line to the story, however, is problematic if you are just looking for the "social justice" angle to the story. It is saying that even if we respond, we need to come prepared. We need to be cloaked in our finest and show respect for the one who invited us. In other words, we can't "just show up." Because, like happened with Isaiah, when we get to "the party," there may be another invitation, and if God says, "will you go for me," you need to be ready to respond.

The "many are called, but few are chosen" phrase in Matthew 22:14 doesn't mean that we are predestined for what we respond to, only that we are predestined for what we are called to. The response is entirely up to us. God calls every one of us. Like in the parable, God goes to the elect, the powerful, the beautiful, the "worthy," but God doesn't stop there. God also goes out to the seedy side of town, to the mental hospitals, the homeless shelters, anywhere there are people that nobody else wants to see. If we are too busy with our lives to choose the invitation that God sends, then we are not chosen. If we show up but can't or won't show God that we REALLY want to be there, then we are not chosen either. We are chosen when we can honestly and humbly say to God, "I accept your invitation, what do you want me to bring."

Great and glorious God, author of all things good and righteous. We admit to you that we are often too wrapped up in our busy and every day tasks to sit and listen to you calling us. Even when we hear your call, we just can't seem to take the time to listen or respond. Forgive us for this failing in our lives, and give us the strength and courage to heed your invitation, and respond with, "what is it you want me to bring." Nothing that we have to do in this life is more important than what it is YOU want us to do, so give us the strength, courage and direction needed to hear AND heed your call. This we ask in your precious name, Amen.