Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where can I go?

I went to the beach yesterday. Since I have the type of skin that burns in 15 minutes or less when exposed to the sun, and in an hour or so when slathered with sunscreen, I covered up. It was a bit chilly, so wearing jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt was not particularly unconventional. I also wore a big floppy hat. Several times we rolled up the pant legs and wandered out to wade in the surf. The water was pretty cold, and I wondered how the people could be swimming in the surf.

Just like it always does, even though I was covered up, the sun was able to find my skin. I had a vest on over my t-shirt because I have been burned through shirts before. I sat with my back to the sun to shade any of the rest of me that might be exposed, but the tops of my feet got burned anyway.

It reminds me of Psalm 139, which asks the question "where can I go to hide from you, God?" It assures us that even if we descend to the depths of hell, God is there with us. Just like the sun that can find my skin even when I try to shade it and cover it, God can find us no matter how many lengths we go to to hide, no matter if we have turned our backs, and no matter what we have done. Unlike the sun that burns my skin, though, God is there to provide the salve to soothe whatever hurts us.

Thank you God, for always being there for me.

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