Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blizzard of 2009

Well, it is not necessarily like the blizzards we had in Wyoming, but close. In Delaware we had a major storm dropping 17 inches here in Wilmington. The pictures below are from my balcony about half way through the snowfall. It is beautiful but treacherous. I took off for work in the throes of the blizzard yesterday morning and it took me an hour and 45 minutes to get there when it usually takes me about 40 minutes. At 1:00 DelDOT announced that it would declare a state of emergency effective at 3:00, so my boss let me go ahead and go home. It took 3 hours to get home. The traffic on the highway was about 15-20 mph and about every 20 minutes or so the whole line of traffic stopped and everyone got out and cleared the ice from the windshield wipers.

Merry Christmas to all, and if you have a white Christmas I hope and pray that it is a safe one.