Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

My New Life

I preached a sermon at the chapel in the hospital yesterday. It was about Moses and te Israelites wandering in the wilderness. On a trek on foot, going from Egypt to Israel would take a few months, but it took them 40 years. No wonder they were tired, frustrated and cranky. They were going the circuitous route, and the wilderness was hot and dusty desert.

I feel like my entry into ministry is much the same way. I thought I would go into mission work as a lay person. God sent me to seminary instead. I thought this meant I was to do parrish ministry. God had other plans. As a hospital chaplain, I am learning a lot about human suffering. Perhaps the pain of the politics in parrish ministry, and the learning I am doing in the hospital is what I needed to really be able to do mission work effectively.

Or perhaps God has something else entirely planned for me. I just hope and pray to God that it doesn't take me 40 years to figure it out.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hello there

Wow, I am so glad to be able to share updates with all of you now. I am also thankful today, praising God in fact, because I am soon to be a grandma, and I have just seen the pictures of the unborn child. I am so happy for Jeff and Sarah.